How to Install a Shower Pump
The most important thing to remember when installing a power shower pump is that every pump is made slightly differently. That said there are certain unanimous rules that apply in every case, but there will be slight alterations and modifications
How to Clean a Shower Curtain
So you’ve invested in stunning fixtures and decked your bathroom out with all of the appropriate accessories. You’ll soon find that without a regular cleaning routine, your bathroom can quickly turn from a safe haven into a germ ridden nightmare!
How to Install a Shower
Deciding on your dream luxury bathroom shower might seem like one of the most difficult choices with such a vast assortment to choose from but the real headache is often the install! Luckily, we have put together a useful, simplistic how
How to Clean a Shower Head
When people think of cleaning their bathroom, the overhead shower head doesn’t usually come to mind. We all dedicate a lot of time to cleaning our toilets, showers and baths but sometimes we forget or neglect other essential areas that
How to Replace a Toilet Cistern
In order to replace a cistern on your bathroom toilet, you firstly need to remove your old cistern and then insert your replacement. If you follow our step by step guide you will have a fully functioning bathroom suite in no
How to Clean a Toilet Brush
The humble toilet brush plays a practically pivotal role in maintaining the cleanliness of your bathroom. Therefore it is one of the most important bathroom accessories. Toilet brushes should be replaced as often as required to ensure that wear and
How to Clean a Toilet
It's dirty work but someone’s got to do it! Maintaining the cleanliness of your toilet is absolutely essential. The toilet is one of the world’s universally most used (and abused) bathroom suite fixtures. If left unattended it quickly becomes an
How to Clean Grout
Nothing dulls the lustre and sheen of a bathroom suite quite like discoloured grout. Grout, so often used to embed the space between tiles, helps cement tiles to their placement on the wall or floor and as a hardy, tough