When is a bathroom towel rail not simply a towel rail? Answer – when it’s also a heated towel rail and an essential design element. The diverse collection of towel rails for bathrooms have changed dramatically to be much more than a towel rack.
For a start heated towel rails are a lot slimmer and less obtrusive even if you prefer a free standing towel rail over a space saving wall hung version. Secondly, they really can add to the aesthetics and overall design theme of the bathroom such is the array of designer towel rails available. There are heated towel rails around to suit a wide variety of bathroom designs and sizes. Our small heated towel rail selection is ideal for en suites and cloakrooms.
Chrome towel rails are becoming very popular as they look elegant and in keeping with modern design as are electric towel rails which allow you to use the towel rail as and when you require it. You will be spoilt for choice when choosing from our stylish towel rails for bathrooms!